air conditioning


Air Conditioning, CSA Space, August 19 - September 19, 2010. Vancouver


Trials in Shaping a Gleam, 2010
re-used corrugated plastic signs from the Vancouver Winter Olympics

Hanging in Wait for the Blue Hour, 2010
molded polyethylene foam, plastic bag, non-slip mesh,

Unend of Sunlight, 2010
anti-static polyethylene foam, vinyl mesh sleeves, various objects

Letting daylight in through a hidden window behind a wall, Trials in Shaping a Gleam sits snugly between the interior and the exterior of the building, not unlike the perch of an air conditioner. Corrugated plastic signs salvaged after the Vancouver Olympics, are stacked in an opening facing the window's ledge. The piece is flush against the interior wall filtering sunlight and mixing street noise through the narrow flutes in the sheets.